Enhance reading, enhance yourself
A word translation plugin that helps you learn to read foreign languages on your own
Highlight after word selection
Reading efficiency is on average 21% higher than regular word selection
With NeonLingo, you don't have to worry about forgetting the words you've translated. Our automatic vocabulary highlighting function remembers every word you've translated - just hover your mouse over the word and a popping bubble will remind you of its meaning.
Word Bubble Feature
Increases word memory efficiency by 37%
With our word bubble feature, satisfy your curiosity at all times. Just quickly show the translation of the scanned word and if you need a more comprehensive dictionary definition, just a gentle mouse click.
Super convenient interaction
Word management efficiency increased by 60%
Using NeonLingo makes your reading experience more pure. We provide super convenient interactive modes, a click can remove the word's highlight, providing you with a smooth reading experience without obstacles.
AI-driven Preciseness
AI analyses the meaning of vocabulary in sentences in conjunction with context
Only display semantic meaning in sentences, ensuring more accurate translations that fit the context each time.
Highly Acclaimed
Revolutionizing language learning through technological innovation, enabling each user to understand and learn foreign languages more easily through our plugin.